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Useful ResourcesNeverendingDungeon Everglow SabiCube |
Neverending DungeonA firstperson dungeon-crawler build using Urho3D Development is done on a Linux platform, and it should run on all major distros. Compiling on Mac/Win might be possible, but is not supported. The game is not complete, but if you'r feeling adventurous, you can download the current build here: comming soon or you can just watch the progress on youtube:
CreditsCoding and game-design were done by me: I also did some models and textures myself, except the following: Dungeon textures : David Johnston : http://www.johnsto.co.uk boneman : ScoutingNinja : CC-0 : http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/53106 music and sounds: drinking and eating : Taira Komori : CC-BY : http://www.freesound.org/people/Taira%20Komori bow : Erdie : CC-BY : http://www.freesound.org/people/Erdie digging and mining : qubodup: CC : http://www.freesound.org/people/qubodup lock-picking : miksmusic : CC-BY : http://www.freesound.org/people/miksmusic Everything is build using a wide range of open-source software: Urho3D : the game-engine at the heart of it all Blender : 3d-models and game-engine Gimp : graphics Audacity : Sound-editing I would also like to acknowledge the following websites without whom this project would never have seen the light of day: opengameart.org freesound.org And last but not least, Bill Soerensen for his moral support and for being a light in a terrifying world of mathematical concepts All my code are released under GPLv3 and my models and textures under CC-BY-SA |
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