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Piphone - smartphone

I always wanted a smartphone that could run a "real" Linux like Debian, so why not just build one, how hard can it be right?
piphone V1


  • Raspberry pi 3 Model A+
  • 3.5" Touchscreen Display
  • power for rpi
  • camera
  • gyro module
  • SIM800L module
  • realtime module
  • buttons and pullup resistors
  • misc. screws and hardware

The biggest problem is packing the modules down in a compact "phone-like" form

piphone open

I'll try to find sources for the rest of the components, and also upload the software somewhere.

piphone boot

piphone desktop

The above picture is a screenshot of the desktop.

piphone ui

I haven't been able to make a working "buble level", but I have the basic software ready, a terminal(xterm), filemanager(pcmanfm), phone/sms apps build using tkinter and a frontend to the camera with basic functionality (take, view, and delete pictures).

Latest addition is a touch-friendly terminal, written in python/tkinter.

piphone tkterm

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